Desktop Software Issues in BlipCut

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Why can't I install software on my Mac?

BlipCut Mac version provides two installation packages, one for Intel systems and one for Apple M1 and M2 systems. Selecting the wrong installation package will cause a failed installation.

Reasons why BlipCut offers two Mac installation packages:

M1/M2 and Intel processors have different architectures.

  • Apple M1/M2 processor: Apple designs its own chips, based on the ARM architecture, as opposed to Intel's traditional x86 architecture.
  • Intel processors: Traditional x86 architecture, older models of the Mac use Intel processors.

How to solve:

  1. Verify your Mac's processor type. On a Mac, click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner and select “About This Machine” to confirm your processor type (Intel or M1/M2).
  2. Download the correct version of BlipCut: Visit the official BlipCut website and make sure you select the downloadable version for your Mac model. Or just click the button below to download.
  3. download BlipCut on Mac

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