BlipCut Troubleshooting

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Why it's stuck at 90% while translating?

Possible reasons of the task creation stage:

  • The uploaded file is large.
  • The uploaded video is of high resolution.
  • Network connection may cause slow or failed uploads.
  • Uploaded files without audio streaming.
BlipCut create translation task

Possible reasons of the translation processing stage:

  • The large file size has resulted in a long processing time, but it's still being processed.
  • The progress may not have been updated, and you can refresh the page.
  • Network connection may cause slow or failed translation.

If there is no progress for an extended period, feel free to contact our support team for further assistance and provide us with the video.

BlipCut processes translation

Possible reasons of the exporting stage:

  • The exported file is large.
  • Export video with subtitles may take a long time, please be patient.
  • Network connection may cause slow export.
BlipCut export translated videos

What if the source language is not recognized correctly?

If you know exactly what the original video language is, we recommend that you manually select the source language. It would be great if you could upload the SRT/VTT subtitle file of the original video, so as to avoid the problem of incorrectly recognizing the source language, and also to improve the accuracy of the translation.

BlipCut export translated videos

What are the reasons for recognition error?

There are occasionally cases of empty transcription, missing parts, incorrect transcription, etc., which may be because:

  • There is no audio track in the video.
  • The audio quality is low or the sound is not clear.
  • The audio is too noisy to be recognized clearly.
  • 10 consecutive seconds without a human voice may cause an error during AI recognition.

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