How to Edit Transcript and Translation in BlipCut

Learn how to edit transcription and translation in BlipCut for better AI video translation.

Step-by-Step Guide

> Step 1: Upload & Translate

Upload your file to start AI translation. If you have any question on this step, please refer to this guide on how to translate video in BlipCut.

BlipCut translate

> Step 2: Enter Edit Page

Once finishing translation, click on the video to enter the Edit page to check the transcription and the translation.

BlipCut edit translation

> Step 3: Edit the Transcription

The text on the left is the transcribed text, click on the part you want to modify. If you modify it, remember to always click on the center arrow to modify the translation at the same time.

BlipCut transcript editor

If you find that a sentence has been split into two cards, you can change it by clicking on “Merge Card”. At this point, remember that it is best to re-translate the sentence.

BlipCut edit transcript

If you find that a segment is missing from the transcribed text, you can fill it in by adding a card, typing in the transcription and translating it.

BlipCut transcript generator


If the length of time between two card timestamps is too short, the card can not be added.

> Step 4: Edit the Translation

If you only need to change the translation, click on the right area where you want to change it. You can play each part of the voice and make text adjustments if the speed is too fast.

translate videos in BlipCut

Or you can use the ChatGPT rewrite feature, which can help you condense the translation, and finally click the Apply button.

BlipCut ChatGPT rewriter

If you want to change the target language, you can click “+ Language”, then select the language you want in the pop-up window, and finally click “Translate” button to quickly re-translate to the latest language.

BlipCut translate to multiple languages

> Step 5: Click "Apply Changes" Button

After finishing editing, don't forget to click on the "Apply Changes" button before downloading, or you will get the old version of the video translation.

BlipCut translator

> Step 6: Download Your Video

Finally, you can save your translated video by clicking on the Download icon in Recent Projects.

BlipCut download translated video

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does voice recognition not work?

There are several reasons that might cause poor transcription:

  1. The beginning of the video is longer without voice.
  2. The volume in the video is relatively low or there is noise, resulting in inaccurate speech recognition.
  3. The file you translated is music related.

If you encounter other problems, you can always contact our support center and we will provide you with a solution as soon as possible.

Why is the downloaded video still the old version even though I modified it?

Make sure you click the “Apply Changes” button before downloading, otherwise it will download the old version. If you are still having problems, please contact the support center.

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